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Commit c9ebc0ea authored by Owen W. Taylor's avatar Owen W. Taylor
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Always use mipmap emulation

Rather than trying to find out from Clutter whether mipmap generation
can be used together with texture_from_pixmap, just always assume
it can't and use the MutterTextureTower emulation code.

This fixes a problem with our previous hack for doing the query
no longer working. In the rare cases where mipmap generation
is supported, it is unlikely to produce significantly more efficient
or better looking results than the emulation. (In terms of efficiency,
we have better knowledge of when we need to update the lower mipmaps
and when we don't than CoglTexturePixmapX11.)

Some care is taken so mutter_shaped_texture_set_create_mipmaps() works
when changed on the fly and properly discards the old mipmap levels.
This isn't necesary currently, since it can only be controlled via
envvar, but is easier than future-proofing through documentation.
parent 15a214e4
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