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Commit 47144253 authored by Jasper St. Pierre's avatar Jasper St. Pierre
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cullable: Turn cull_out / reset_culling into a separate interface

Instead of hardcoded knowledge of certain classes in MetaWindowGroup,
create a generic interface that all actors can implement to get parts of
their regions culled out during redraw, without needing any special
knowledge of how to handle a specific actor.

The names now are a bit suspect. MetaBackgroundGroup is a simple
MetaCullable that knows how to cull children, and MetaWindowGroup is the
"toplevel" cullable that computes the initial two regions. A future
cleanup here could be to merge MetaWindowGroup / MetaBackgroundGroup so
that we only have a generic MetaSimpleCullable, and move the "toplevel"
cullability to be a MetaCullableToplevel.
parent d8c66077
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