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Commit 3ee1999c authored by gschwind's avatar gschwind Committed by Jonas Ådahl
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backend: Reset current device id when current device removed

Bluetooth mouse usually goes in sleep state after a timeout, when that
happen the mouse is disconnected and on_device_removed function is
called. Before the patch if a touch device is available the
on_device_removed function hide the cursor. The issue is that the cursor
does not reappear once the bluetooth mouse is reconnected because
MetaBackend::current_device_id is not invalidated when on_device_removed
was called.

The patch set MetaBackend::current_device_id to 0 if the current device
is removed. This will make update_last_device to be triggered as soon as
another input device is used or the bluetooth mouse reconnect, as
consequence that the cursor reappear. The id 0 is never given to devices
and can safely used as undefine id.
parent e4b89206
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