This is a draft of a replacement for GnomeClient. See also and See "NEWS" for a summary of changes since earlier revisions of EggSMClient. The eventual target of this code is gtk, gdk, glib, or some combination of them. Having it entirely in gtk/gdk may not be the best option, because non-GUI apps like beagled want a chance to exit cleanly when the session ends too. OTOH, making glib depend on libSM would obviously suck. Using dlopen may be a good solution. EggDesktopFile is proposed gtk-level rewrite of GnomeDesktopItem. See Contents -------- 1. Adding the EggSMClient sources to your app 2. Building your app with EggSMClient 3. Using EggSMClient 4. Notes on porting from GnomeClient or raw libSM 5. More notes 6. The D-Bus backend and the future Adding the EggSMClient sources to your app ------------------------------------------ Getting the files you need: For basic use under Linux/Unix, you will need: eggsmclient.c eggsmclient.h eggsmclient-private.h eggsmclient-xsmp.c eggdesktopfile.c eggdesktopfile.h If you want to use the D-Bus backend (see the notes below), add eggsmclient-dbus.c, and optionally remove eggsmclient-xsmp.c For libgnomeui integration, add: eggsmclient-libgnomeui.c eggsmclient-libgnomeui.h If your app supports Windows and/or OS X (gtk-quartz), add those backends: eggsmclient-win32.c eggsmclient-osx.c egg-launch.c, egg-session-end.c, and logout-test.c are test programs, and you do not need them. Setting up the build: You will need to take certain snippets of ../../ and ./ If you are only supporting a single backend, you won't need all of the automake conditionals and can remove that. Building your app with EggSMClient ---------------------------------- If you are using libgnomeui: Link to, #include "eggsmclient-libgnomeui.h" in your main .c file (and "eggsmclient.h" elsewhere). If you are using plain gtk: Link to, and #include "eggsmclient.h". If you are building on Windows: You need to make sure to link your application as a Windows GUI binary. (If using GNU tools, use "-mwindows".) If you build it as a console binary, Windows won't send it the WM_QUERYENDSESSION (quit_requested) and WM_ENDSESSION (quit) messages. Previous versions of EggSMClient required you to initialize glib threads (g_thread_init()) on Windows, even if your app didn't otherwise use threads. This is no longer required. If you are building on OS X: You need to link your application with the Carbon framework (-framework Carbon). Libtool doesn't record framework dependencies, and since for libegg purposes we're only building libeggsmclient as a static library, the dependency doesn't get recorded by the linker either, so you have to add it by hand. Using EggSMClient ----------------- Initialization with libgnomeui and GnomeProgram: Change the gnome_program_new() invocation to use EGG_SM_CLIENT_LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE instead of LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE. If you haven't yet switched from popt to GOption for option parsing, you have to do that now. You should also add an EGG_SM_CLIENT_PARAM_DESKTOP_FILE parameter to the gnome_program_new() invocation, and pass it the path to your application's installed .desktop file. (This will be used for some SM-related purposes and will also be used to initialize your application's localized name and default window icon. If you are currently calling g_set_application_name(), gtk_window_set_default_icon(), or gtk_window_set_default_icon_name(), you can remove those calls.) If you only want to use the logout notification/cancellation API, and don't want to participate in session saving, you can pass the EGGSMCLIENT_PARAM_MODE parameter as well, with the value EGG_SM_CLIENT_MODE_NO_RESTART. Initialization with plain gtk: Add the GOptionGroup returned by egg_sm_client_get_option_group() to your GOptionContext when parsing command line arguments. (If you were previously just using gtk_init() or the like, you will have to create your own option context now and also add the group returned by gtk_get_option_group() to it. See egg-session-end.c for an example.) On Linux/Unix, you should also call egg_set_desktop_file() (in "eggdesktopfile.h"), passing it the path to your application's installed .desktop file. (This will be used for some SM-related purposes and will also be used to initialize your application's localized name and default window icon. If you are currently calling g_set_application_name(), gtk_window_set_default_icon(), or gtk_window_set_default_icon_name(), you can remove those calls.) If you only want to use the logout notification/cancellation API, and don't want to participate in session saving, you can call egg_sm_client_set_mode(EGG_SM_CLIENT_MODE_NO_RESTART). After parsing the command-line arguments, call egg_sm_client_get() to get the EggSMClient object. Use egg_sm_client_is_resumed() on the EggSMClient to see if you need to resume a saved state, and egg_sm_client_get_state_file() to find that saved state. Connect to the client's "save_state" signal if you want to be able to save your state and be resumed in future sessions. Connect to "quit_requested" if you want to get a chance to save files before shutdown (and/or cancel shutting down). See the gtk-doc comments in eggsmclient.c for more details. Notes on porting from GnomeClient or raw libSM ---------------------------------------------- There's no way to manually set most of the XSMP properties using EggSMClient (and no need to). Program, ProcessID, and UserID are set automatically. RestartCommand and CloneCommand are set from the .desktop file (or from a call to egg_sm_client_set_restart_command), and DiscardCommand is set automatically as needed after save_state is emitted. RestartStyleHint is set automatically based on a few things: - SmRestartNever if you set the mode to EGG_SM_CLIENT_MODE_NO_RESTART - SmRestartImmediately if you initialize with a desktop file containing the entry "X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true" - SmRestartIfRunning if you initialize with no desktop_file, or with a desktop_file that doesn't set "X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true". (This is the normal case.) There's no way to set the restart style hint to SmRestartAnyway ("restart the client in the resumed session even if it wasn't running in the saved session"). FDO Autostart is a much better solution for that class of program. If your program is configured to do autostart, you don't need to also register for XSMP restart (unless you want to have it save and resume its state as well). CurrentDirectory and Environment are never set. GnomeClient sets CurrentDirectory, but KDE doesn't restore either of those properties when resuming a saved session, so it's better for apps to not depend on them. (If the application must have its working directory restored, it can just save and restore it itself.) The "save_yourself" signal/callback is split into two signals in EggSMClient: save_state and quit_requested. Most GnomeClient-based apps only implement the state-saving functionality currently, so they would only connect to "save_state" in EggSMClient, not "quit_requested". When saving state, EggSMClient provides you with a GKeyFile to store data in. If you write any data to the key file, EggSMClient will save it to disk and set an XSMP DiscardCommand to make sure that the session manager deletes it when it is no longer needed. If you can record your entire state on the command line, you can use egg_sm_client_set_restart_command() instead, to set the command that will be used to restart the app. If you implement the "quit_requested" side of the functionality as well, you don't need to "request interaction" like in GnomeClient/libSM. You can just start interacting with the user right away when the signal is emitted. Note that the argument to egg_sm_client_will_quit() is TRUE if you're willing to quit, and FALSE if not, which is the opposite of gnome_interaction_key_return() / SmcInteractDone(). quit_requested is only for saving user files and preparing to quit. DO NOT save the current state from the quit_requested signal. If the user chooses the "save current session" option when logging out, EggSMClient will emit quit_requested, let you deal with all of that, and *then* after you're done, it will emit save_state to give you a chance to deal with saving the state as well. There are a bunch of other bits of GnomeClient API with no analogs: - GNOME_CLIENT_IS_CONNECTED - Is this really ever needed? - gnome_client_request_phase_2 - This is only needed by window managers... if someone really wanted it, it could be added as an EggSMClientXSMP-specific call. (You'd just call it once, at startup time, to register the fact that you were a phase2 client, and then when EggSMClientXSMP got a SaveYourself, it would automatically respond with a SaveYourselfPhase2Request, and it wouldn't emit the quit_requested/save_state signals until phase 2.) - gnome_client_request_save - Shutdown saves are now done via egg_sm_client_end_session. There is no way to request a non-shutdown save, either for yourself, or for the whole session. (Requesting a local SaveYourself for yourself won't actually have any effect under most session managers, and requesting it for the whole session is something that only a program directly associated with the session manager ought to do, so there doesn't seem to be a need for a public API for this.) - gnome_client_flush - In most cases this is a no-op. Where it's not, EggSMClientXSMP should do it automatically whenever you change anything. (FIXME!) - gnome_client_get_id - Why would you need to know? More notes ---------- Assuming you provide a .desktop file to gnome_program_init() or egg_set_desktop_file(), the state file that gets saved when you save the application state will actually be a copy of that .desktop file, with the state information appended to the end, and the Exec key adjusted to include "--sm-client-state-file %k" (where "%k" means "the path to this .desktop file"). So if you want to, you can move the state file out of ~/.config/session-state/ and use it directly as a launcher to restart the application with that saved state. Set EGG_SM_CLIENT_DEBUG=1 to debug Example code: - egg-session-end.c: A replacement for gnome-session-save. (Well, actually only for "gnome-session-save --kill".) Yes, the --reboot and --shutdown arguments are only there to tease you (with the XSMP backend at least; they work on OS X.) - logout-test.c: Sits around waiting for you to try to log out, and then asks "are you sure", to test quit_requested/will_quit handling. - gedit.diff: A patch to 2.22-era gedit to make it use EggSMClient instead of GnomeClient. Note that as of 2.24, gedit uses EggSMClient, although this was done as part of migrating away from libgnomeui, so it is not the same as in this patch. The D-Bus backend and the future -------------------------------- There is now a D-Bus-based EggSMClient backend, eggsmclient-dbus, which uses the APIs provided by gnome-session in 2.24. Note that the D-Bus API doesn't support saved sessions, so if you are using the "save_state" signal, you do not want to use the D-Bus backend. (In fact, at the moment, the only real reason you'd want to use the D-Bus backend instead of the XSMP one is if you have some good reason to want to avoid linking to libSM and libICE.) However, the gnome-session D-Bus API has some other bits that aren't yet supported by EggSMClient, to allow applications to more explicitly indicate their state to the session manager, and these APIs are very similar to some new APIs provided in Windows Vista. It is likely that a future version of EggSMClient will support these APIs if you use the D-Bus backend, but not if you use the XSMP backend. For now, the D-Bus backend is only used if the XSMP backend isn't compiled in, or if $SESSION_MANAGER isn't set in the environment.