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  • Kjell Ahlstedt's avatar
    Gdk, Gtk: Deprecate some Pixbuf API · 64f21c2d
    Kjell Ahlstedt authored
    * demos/gtk-demo/ Don't use Gtk::Picture::set_pixbuf().
    * gdk/src/pixbuf.[ccg|hg]: Deprecate the create() method taking
    a Cairo::Surface.
    * gtk/gtkmm/selectionlistmodelimpl.h: Make Notebook a friend class.
    * gtk/src/cssprovider.[ccg|hg]: Add commented lines that deprecate
    load_from_data() and add load_from_string() and load_from_bytes().
    * gtk/src/image.[ccg|hg]: Deprecate the set() method taking a Pixbuf.
    * gtk/src/notebook.[ccg|hg]: get_pages() now returns an object that
    implements both GListModel and GtkSelectionModel (like Stack::get_pages()).
    Wrap it in a SelectionListModelImpl.
    * gtk/src/picture.[ccg|hg]: Deprecate set_pixbuf().