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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    girepository: Skip GIRepository versions not matching GIRepository-2.0 · 171f1804
    Simon McVittie authored and Emmanuele Bassi's avatar Emmanuele Bassi committed
    A few applications such as gnome-music load the GIRepository typelib
    and use it to adjust their search paths.
    GLib 2.79.x now provides (GIRepository-3.0),
    but each OS distribution is likely to have a transitional period during
    which GLib's has become available, but bindings
    like PyGI and gjs are still linked to gobject-introspection's (GIRepository-2.0).
    During this transitional period, interpreted languages that load the
    GIRepository namespace could get the "wrong" version, which will result
    in adjusting a search path that will not actually affect the language
    binding's typelib lookup, and could also lead to symbol and type-system
    We can avoid this collision by making GLib's GIRepository library refuse
    to load versions of the GIRepository typelib that are not 3.0, and
    similarly making gobject-introspection's GIRepository library refuse to
    load typ...