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Commit e4a6bf99 authored by Colin Walters's avatar Colin Walters
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Fix ShellAppSystem's use of no_focus_window, clean up state handling

First, we were passing an incorrect timestamp to
meta_display_focus_the_no_focus_window - fix that.

The invocation of set_focus_app to the started app there couldn't
really work, because (if the above call had worked) we'd get the
X reply *after* the started app.

What we need to untangle here is the distinction that's now made in
ShellApp between _STATE_STARTING and _STATE_RUNNING.  A nice way to
start doing this is to rebase ShellWindowTracker to only be concerned
with app states.  Concretely, the current "has windows implies
running" logic now lives just inside shell-app.c.

Rename the app-running-changed signal to be app-state-changed.  This
will ultimately be useful so that inside the panel, we can track
the last started app.
parent 3fe7b139
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