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Commit dbce6f43 authored by Georges Basile Stavracas Neto's avatar Georges Basile Stavracas Neto 💬 Committed by Marinus Schraal
Browse files

albumartcache: Limit concurrent lookups

The current AlbumArtCache implementation does not keep track of the
number of concurrent lookups that are being executed.

When dealing with a small number of items this is acceptable, but once
the number of music items grow, this poses a big problem. In fact, the
biggest bottleneck for when Music is loading is caused by the thousands
of lookups finishing almost at the same time and overloading GTK+

Fix that by introducing a limit to the number of concurrent lookups
being executed. When the limit is hit, the lookups are queued and
executed once a new lookup slot is available.

Notice that downloads are not considered lookups, and file loading is
done in parallel to cover fetching.
parent 5162d069
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