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  • Felipe Borges's avatar
    vm-configurator: Disable "secure-boot" for EFI boxes · 3080a69b
    Felipe Borges authored
    This allows Boxes to boot EFI systems even when secure-boot is not
    supported by the environment.
    With this, users should be able to run GNOME OS and (soon) other
    EFI-only systems in the distro-packaged version of Boxes of their
    While the Flatpak version of Boxes currently handles well secure-boot,
    distros have not. Just a few distros support EFI and provide the
    proper environment for the virt stack that Boxes needs to boot EFI
    VMs consistently.
    The distro-packaged version of Boxes runs without the constrains
    of the Flatpak sandbox, and can provide additional (useful) features
    such as USB redirection, Network Bridge, etc...