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Commit fe2a9887 authored by Nirbheek Chauhan's avatar Nirbheek Chauhan 🐝 Committed by Matthias Clasen
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meson: Improve MSVC and MinGW support and fix dependencies everywhere

Disable gio tests on Windows, fix .gitignore to not ignore
config.h.meson, and add more things to it.

Rename the library file naming and versioning to match what Autotools
outputs, e.g., on Linux, libglib-2.0-0.dll  and
glib-2.0-0.dll on Windows with MSVC.

Several more tiny fixes, more executables built and installed, install
pkg-config and m4 files, fix building of gobject tests.

Changes to gdbus-codegen to support out-of-tree builds without
environment variables set (which you can't in Meson). We now add the
build directory to the Python module search path.
parent 21395797
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