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Commit ec20cb44 authored by Iain Lane's avatar Iain Lane Committed by Philip Withnall
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tests/network-monitor: Always use the dummy proxy resolver

If glib-networking is installed and built with libproxy support, this
test will use it. If a proxy is set in the environment, we might get
correctly told to go through it for certain accesses. However, this isn't
going to work, because the testsuite monkeys with the network monitor to
tell it that all addresses - including the proxy - aren't reachable.

We're trying to check if adding networks to a GNetworkMonitor works in
general. Proxies just get in the way here, so let's use the built in
dummy proxy resolver which just tells us that all URLs are directly
parent 0d953f8d
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  • Maintainer

    @iainl I doubt g_setenv is safe to use after g_test_init. You should reverse the order here.

  • Maintainer

    I wouldn’t worry about that; g_test_init() makes very few GLib calls, doesn’t spawn any threads, and doesn’t touch GIO at all. Having them this way round is safe enough.

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