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Commit e5f91951 authored by Allison Karlitskaya's avatar Allison Karlitskaya
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GApplication: change commandline encoding policy

Clarify in the documentation that the commandline arguments passed
around by GApplication (to local_command_line and returned via
g_application_command_line_get_arguments()) are in the GLib filename
encoding (ie: UTF-8) on Windows, not the system code page.

Fix the mismatch that would result from having argv passed to
g_application_run() in main() on Windows (where it is in the system
code page) by ignoring argc/argv on Windows and calling
g_win32_get_command_line() for ourselves.  Document this.

This might be a slight API break on Windows: we documented that it was
possible to call g_application_run() with arguments other than argc/argv
and now doing that will result in those arguments being ignored.  It has
always been recommended practice to only call g_application_run() from
main() directly, however, and all of our code examples have shown only
this.  We will see if this causes any issues and consider reevaluating
the situation if so.
parent 643f2b34
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