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Commit 82adf7b5 authored by Philip Withnall's avatar Philip Withnall 🚫
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tests: Work around a gdb bug in assert-msg-test

It seems that when GLib is compiled without CFLAGS=-g, gdb can’t work
out the size of __glib_assert_msg, so assumes it’s 4 bytes — even on
64-bit systems. This causes it to not read the most significant 4 bytes
of the assertion message pointer, and hence it can’t print the stored
assertion message. This causes assert-msg-test to fail.

The upstream gdb bug is


Work around that by referencing and dereferencing __glib_assert_msg so
that gdb treats it as a pointer of sizeof(char*) rather than of the size
it incorrectly calculated from the library’s symbol table (or through
some other mystical process).

Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilip Withnall <>
parent 7dcc09e5
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