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Commit 4e9e7d0c authored by Mike Ruprecht's avatar Mike Ruprecht Committed by Dan Winship
Browse files

GOutputStream: Use async read/write of streams in splice_async()

There are some corner cases where using the sync version of read/write
in a thread could cause thread-safety issues. In these cases it's
possible to override the output stream's splice_async() function,
but for input streams one would need to do some acrobatics to
stay thread-safe. Alternatively, some implementations may not even
override their sync read/write functions.

This patch refactors the default splice_async() implementation to
call the sync read and write functions in a thread only when both
async versions are thread-based. When one or both are non-threaded,
it calls the virtual write_async() and read_async() functions of the
involved streams within the same thread.
parent 87e5617a
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