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Commit 49b59e5a authored by Allison Karlitskaya's avatar Allison Karlitskaya
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GLib: implement GMutex natively on Linux

If we have futex(2) then we can implement GMutex natively and gain a
substantial performance increase (vs. using pthreads).

This also avoids the need to allocate an extra structure in memory when
using GMutex or GCond: we can use the structure directly.

The main reason for the increase in performance is that our
implementation can be made more simple: we don't need to support the
array of options on pthread_mutex_t (which includes the possibility, for
example, of being recursive).

The result is a ~30% improvement in uncontended cases and a much larger
increase (3 to 4 times) in contended cases for a simple testcase.
parent be0b9211
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