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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    display: Hook pad controllers into GimpImageWindow · 0c3713b4
    Carlos Garnacho authored and Jehan's avatar Jehan committed
    We have everything in place to create GtkPadControllers converting
    events into actions as configured in settings, and the signaling
    to trigger the (re)generation of those as device, window or configuration
    changes appear.
    Only the last bit attaching those controllers to actually handle
    input was missing, now done in this commit.
    Since there may be multiple configured tablets and pads, we need to
    keep track of per-device controllers to handle the configuration for
    those. This mapping is kept in GimpImageWindow as the "main" toplevel
    (i.e. the one(s) typically considered "keyboard focus" and receiving pad
    events) and ensured to be kept up-to-date through the ::configure-pad