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  • Jehan's avatar
    app: fix a crash when converting to higher precision. · aab73ae3
    Jehan authored
    gimp_display_shell_render() writes to a GeglBuffer backed by allocated memory
    (shell->profile_data). Unfortunately while converting prevision in
    gimp_image_convert_precision(), we change the "precision" property (hence the
    source format) first, hence end up trying to write data in a too small buffer.
    This crash was hard to find as it was not showing up on my machine (though it
    did produce rendering artifacts!), unless I built both GIMP and babl with
    Note that an alternate fix was to make sure that the profile_data buffer is big
    enough (by calling gimp_display_shell_profile_update() before rendering), but
    anyway the image is in an inconsistent state while conversion is in progress:
    whereas the `src_format` is the new one, the `src_profile` is still the old one
    (and cannot be changed before we finish converting).
    Moreover the render happen regularly on progress signals, once after each
    converted drawable. So each of these renderin...