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  • Robert Schroll's avatar
    Paned composer for handling multi-replies · 526f6e78
    Robert Schroll authored
    When the user replies with a quote to a second message, the composer
    moves into a paned below the conversation viewer.  This makes it easy to
    scroll through the conversation and select text for replies.
    The Gtk.Paned acutally holds a Box, which in turn can hold many
    ComposerBoxes.  Only one is shown at a time, but the model used
    elsewhere is that each ComposerWidget has a ComposerContainer until it
    is destroyed.  When a composer is closed, it hides while finishing up
    asynchronous work.  This allows us to hold hidden paned composers as
    they finish up their work.
    The logic for focus handling at detachment is moved into the
    ComposerWidget from ComposerEmbed, since it may also be detached from
    the paned state.  ComposerContainers gain a remove_composer() method
    that does the container's clean up, as well as returning the focused
    widget.  The ComposerWindow's remove_composer() method should never be