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Commit ff027c61 authored by Michael Catanzaro's avatar Michael Catanzaro
Browse files

Fix UI process crash if the web process crashes on start

Currently there is a WebKit bug that causes the web process to crash
when we use webkit_web_view_load_alternate_html() on a local page, say
because Epiphany was closed when a file:// URI was opened in an embed
other than the focused embed. That crash occurs after
web_extension_appeared_cb() but prior to
web_extension_proxy_created_cb(), triggering a call to
web_extension_vanished_cb(), which deletes the EphyWebExtensionProxy
object that is expected to still be alive when
web_extension_proxy_created_cb() is called, crashing the UI process.
We can fix this with a ref/unref pair.
parent 085f73a8
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