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Commit c599582c authored by klausstaedtler's avatar klausstaedtler
Browse files

Updated symbolic icon theme

attention due to default color changes in scalable.svg icon former
icon-theme symbolic-inversed is now symbolic

Changes in scalable.svg

set background color of svg to transparent otherwise exported png's have a tint.


+ gimp-center (added, new)
+ gimp-color-triangle (added, new)
+ gimp-controller-linux-input (added, new)
+ gimp-convert-grayscale (added, new)
+ gimp-convert-indexed (added, new)
+ gimp-convert-rgb (added, new)
+ gimp-display-filter-colorblind (added, new)
+ gimp-display-filter-contrast (added was in art-libre, reworked to match with other display filter)
+ gimp-display-filter-gamma (added, new)
+ gimp-display-filter-proof (added, new)
+ gimp-display-filter-lcms (added, new)
+ gimp-gradient-shapeburst-angular (added, new)
+ gimp-gradient-shapeburst-dimpled (added, new)
+ gimp-gradient-shapeburst-spherical (added, new)
+ gimp-gradient-spiral-anticlockwise (added, new)
+ gimp-gradient-spiral-clockwise (added, new)
+ gimp-list (added, new)
+ gimp-gradient-square (added, new)
+ gimp-histogram-logarithmic (was missing from the missing list. added, new)
+ gimp-histogram (added, new)
+ gimp-images (added new)
+ gimp-layer-to-imagesize (was gimp-layer + arrow)
+ gimp-navigation (added, new)
+ gimp-path-stroke (added, new)
+ gimp-path (added, new)
+ gimp-resize (added, new)
+ gimp-scale (added, new)
+ gimp-selection-add (added, new)
+ gimp-selection-replace (added, new)
+ gimp-selection-to-channel (added, new)
+ gimp-selection-to-path (added, new)
+ gimp-toilet-paper (added, new, no inverse, colors b&w, gets wrong when inverted !)
+ gimp-tool-preset (added, =gimp-prefs-folders-tool-presets, double use)
+ gimp-warning'(added, from gnome 3.12 symbolic theme)
+ gimp-prefs-toolbox (added, from gnome 3.12 symbolic theme)
+ gimp-wilber-eek (added, new from gimp-wilber)


- gimp-frame (always used as a fixed size for now)
- gimp-texture (used in 2 docks: navigation and selection editor, as background when there is no image)


# gimp-prefs-system-resources (moved, renamed, was in unused)
# g847 (renamed to gimp-grid)
# gimp-channels (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel-red (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel-green (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel-blue (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel-alpha (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel-gray (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-channel-indexed (reworked, no TV-metaphor)
# gimp-histogram-linear (renamed, was gimp-histogram)
# gimp-tools (renamed, was gimp-prefs-toolbox)
# gimp-layer (reworked, so it fits to layer)
# gimp-wilber-outlined (outligning changed to 'bebebeff 30%')
# gimp-floating-selection (reworked, so it fits to selection)
# gimp-prefs-folders-tool-plug-ins (reworked, so it fits to other prefs-folders)
# gimp-controller (reworked, no gears)
# gimp-tool-blend (reworked, doubled gimp-gradient-linear)
# gimp-default-color (reworked, no inverse, colors b&w, gets wrong when inverted !)
# gimp-color-picker-gray (grey quarter set to bebebeff 50%, so it stays grey when inverted)
# gimp-color-picker-white (lightgrey quarter set to white, gets wrong when inverted !)
# gimp-color-picker-black (darkgrey quarter set to black, gets wrong when inverted !)


+ gimp-nonvisible
+ gimp-prefs-image-window-appearance (gimp-prefs-image-windows has double usage)
+ gimp-prefs-image-window-snapping (gimp-prefs-tool-options has double usage)

Signed-off-by: default avatarklausstaedtler <>
parent 079e113d
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