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Commit b78b14b1 authored by Jehan's avatar Jehan
Browse files

plug-ins: let's special-case just a bit the HGT data.

- Display title "Digital Elevation Model data" instead of just "Image".
- Don't show the type combo anymore, since HGT is always 16-bit signed
  integer in big endian.
- Don't show the width and height either, but instead show a dropdown
  list to choose between either SRTM-1 or SRTM-3 data. There seems to be
  only these 2 types of data, and this will determine the width and
  height. This choice (SRTM-1 vs 3) will mostly likely be better known
  by people than knowing what image dimension they have to set,
  especially since official links for such files seem to all include the
parent 88ccdb4e
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