Internal-Viewer Internals ------------------------- This short document will detail the internals of the 'libgviewer' library, which implements GNOME Commander's Internal-Viewer. If you plan to hack the internal viewer, add features or just browse the source for fun, I recommend reading this document first. (However note that the source files are always more updated than this document) Table of Content ---------------- 1. General 1.1. Some Coding Conventions 2. Modules 2.1. File Operations module (fileops.c) 2.2. Input mode translations module (inputmodes.c) 2.2.1. CP437 encoding utilities (cp437.c) 2.3. Data presentation module (datapresentation.c) 2.4. Scroll Box widget (scroll-box.c) 2.5. Text Render widget (text-render.c) 2.6. Image Render widget (image-render.c) 2.7. Viewer widget (viewer-widget.c) 2.8. Viewer window (viewer-window.c) 3. Module Testers 3.1. test-fileops 3.2. test-inputmodes 3.3. test-datapresentation 3.4. test-textrender 3.5. test-imagerender 3.6. test-viewerwidget 3.7. text-viewerwindow 4. Using the internal viewer in your project 4.1. External Viewer Window 4.2. Embedding the Viewer Widget 4.3. Using a single module 1. General ----------- The 'libgviewer' library aims to be a complete, fast, useable, user-friendly viewer window for the GNOME Commander project. Key Features: * Fast loading - If possible, does not load the entire file into memory * Text Handling - Multiple character-set encodings, including UTF-8 and code page 437 * Versatile Text display - Fixed and Variable width fonts, line wrapping, hex dump * Versatile Image display - Every GDKable image format can be displayed (jpg, png, gif, svg, etc) * Image Manipulations - Rotating, Flipping, Zooming * Usability - Easy keyboard navigation for (almost) all operations Some other viewers that you can try (if you're not pleased with 'libgviewer'): * "Total Commander" has an excellent internal viewer. Very power full and fast. If you use That-Other-Operation-System, I suggest you give it a try. You can also use Total Commander on *nix systems under Wine. * "Midnight Commander" (MC) has a very good internal viewer (actually, the file operation module is largely based on Midnight Commander's internal viewer code). MC is a console application, so UTF-8 and multiple charset encodings are not easily displayed. * "Krusader" (KDE's twin-panel file manager) has a good, feature-packed internal viewer. The downside (IMHO) is that it tries to load the entire file into memory before displaying anything. (And the fact that it uses Qt :-) ) 1.1. Some Coding Conventions ----------------------- * The modules: Scroll-Box, Text-Render, Image-Render, Viewer-Widget, Viewer-Widget are all full-fledged GTK+2.0 objects. Know your GTK+ before hacking those. * The modules: inputmodes, datapresentation are semi-object oriented but they are not GObjects in any sense. (internally they use function pointers for polymorphism). * All text handling is UTF-8 based (To be consistent with Pango, the GTK+ text-rendering engine). * "char_type" is the internal representation of a single UTF-8 character, in a 32bit variable. (This might be a problem: UTF-8 characters which occupy 5 or 6 bytes cannot be handled by the current internal viewer code). * If the UTF-8 character is one byte long, the LSB of the 'char_type' variable contains the value, the other three bytes are zero. If the UTF-8 character is two byte long, the two LSBs of the 'char_type' variable contain the value, the other two are zero. The same goes for three and four bytes long UTF-8 characters. You can use the macros GV_{FIRST,SEONCD,etc}_BYTE (defined in 'gvtypes.h') To check the 'char_type' variable. * "offset_type", whenever used, ALWAYS means BYTE offset in the file. It never means Character offset (this is important for UTF-8 files, where a single character is not necessarily a single byte). The "inputmodes" module provides functions to move to the next and previous character offsets. Currently it is "unsigned long", so the file size limit is 4GB. (Actually, some internal code might be using a "signed long", so anything bigger than 2GB is not supported....) * There are no static variables in to modules (except the GTK+'s parent_class) So using multiple viewers' widgets in the same application should be OK. However, the modules are not guaranteed to be thread-safe, so the same viewer-widget should not be accessed from two different threads. 2. Modules ----------- 2.1. File Operations module (fileops.c) ---------------------------------------- File operation module is largely based on Midnight Commander's "view.c". When opening a file, it tries to "MMAP" it, and only if this fails tries to load entirely into memory (and if there's not enough memory, use "growing buffer", where each read operation loads a new part of the file into memory). Midnight Commander has a nice feature of using the same code (with growing buffers) to read directly from a pipe (e.g. running an external program and sending the STDOUT directly to the viewer). This part was not ported to the "libgviewer", but it can be later added (if need arises). Read "fileops.h" for the list of functions (they are pretty self-explanatory). Use "gv_file_get_byte" to read a single byte from the file. 2.2. Input mode translations module (inputmodes.c) --------------------------------------------------- The Input Mode module is responsible for reading raw bytes from a file, and translating them to UTF-8 characters(the rest of 'libgviewer' is always UTF-8). If using a one-byte-per-character encoding, a quick translation table is built (in "inputmode_ascii_activate"), with a UTF-8 value for each possible byte value. Later, when a character is requested (with "gv_input_mode_get_utf8_char"), The byte from the file is translated to the corresponding UTF-8 character. If using a multibyte-per-character encoding (currently only UTF-8 is supported), The "inputmode_utf8_get_char" is used to read the required number of bytes from the file and return a single UTF-8 character. When higher levels/other modules wish to read the file, they use: * "gv_input_mode_get_utf8_char" to read a single UTF-8 char from the file, at the requested offset (ALWAYS byte offset). * "gv_input_mode_get_next_char_offset","gv_input_mode_get_previous_char_offset" To move across the file. These functions translate from character offset to byte offset. Never use "offset++" or "offset--" to move around the file. (Although, I admit, I do it in with the hex dump code... - but only because I made sure I'm using a byte offset, not character offset). A note about control characters (tab='\t', CR='\r', LF='\n'): The inputmodes modules NEVER translates these control characters. "gv_input_mode_get_utf8_char" will return these control characters without translating them, even if they can be translated to a valid UTF-8 character (for example, when using CP437 encoding). Other modules which want to display the UTF-8 equivalents of these control characters can use "gv_input_mode_byte_to_utf8" to get the actual UTF-8 value. (See "text_render_display_line" in "text-render.c".) 2.2.1. CP437 encoding helpers (cp437.c) ------------------------------------------ Except Codepage 437, all inputmodes' convertions are made with "g_iconv". Codepage 437 (a.k.a IBM437, CP437) is the "terminal font" which is able to display graphic representation of the control characters (ASCII<32), and nice extended graphic characters (ASCII>128). I like it very much, it is useful for viewing binary files. I could not get g_iconv to translate characters correctly into this codepage. So I made special helper functions to make it work. (See "inputmode_ascii_activate" in "inputmodes.c"). More details on CP437 can be found at "". 2.3. Data presentation module (datapresentation.c) -------------------------------------------------- The data presentation module is responsible for moving around the file, calculating the offsets of the start of the line and the end of the line. These modules tries to hide away the nasty details of line wrapping (but it only works for fixed-width fonts). The are several modes of calculations: BIN_FIXED - The simplest mode. Uses fixed number of characters per line. 16 characters per line is used for HEXDUMPs. 20,40,80 characters per line are used for binary display. NO_WRAP - Simple text mode. A line starts a offset 0, or at a CR/LF character. A line ends at the next CR/LF, or at the end of the file. WRAP - More complex calculations to display text files with line wrapping. Note: The calculations are about number of CHARACTERS per line (it uses the Inputmode module for moving to the next and previous characters). BUT the return offsets from the functions are ALWAYS byte offsets in the file. 2.4. Scroll Box widget (scroll-box.c) -------------------------------------- The ScrollBox widget is a simple composite widget. It packs a GtkTable, with two scroll bars (horizontal and vertical) and one "client" widget. The client widget should be connected to the GtkAdjustments of the scrollbars. This saves some work, because both the text-render and the image-render requires scroll bars with GtkAdjustments. 2.5. Text Render widget (text-render.c) ---------------------------------------- Text Rener the main text displaying widget. It uses fileops, inpumodes and datapresentation modules to handle the most of the text formatting. Three display modes are supported: * Text - normal text, with or without line wrapping. * Binary - fixed number of characters per line. * Hex Dump - regular hex dump, 16 bytes per line. Displaying and selecting text in the three display modes are implemented using function call backs (the functions are at the end of the file). The is some black voodoo there trying to block forbidden combinations (Like UTF-8 with Binary mode, or Line Wrapping with Variable width font). This should be fixed in future versions. Pango-ism: * character width is calculated in "get_max_char_width". * Pango fails to draw some valid UTF-8 characters, and using "text_render_filter_undisplayable_chars" we make sure they are not displayed. * Text-Render uses "char_type" to hold each UTF-8 character (always 4 bytes), But Pango wants real UTF-8 strings (variable number of bytes per character). "text_render_UTF-8_printf" and "text_render_utf8_print_char" take care of that. Signals: TextRender emits one signal (status changed), whenever the view is updated. 2.6. Image Render widget (image-render.c) ------------------------------------------ Image Render is a GdkPixBuf wrapper widget. (The GtkImage widget has some annoying behaviours, so I didn't use it, but maybe I just failed to utilize it correctly). This widget loads the entire file into memory (unlike the text-render widget). Read "image-render.h" to see possible operations (they are self-explainatory). Image loading process: 1. upon "image_render_load_file", the file name is stored for later, and nothing else happens. 2. On the first "realize" event, the file is loaded in "image_render_load_scaled_pixbuf" using "gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale". This is because "file_at_scale" is the fastest loader around. The reason for the delayed loading (after the "realize") is because "file_at_scale" requires a scale size (before "realize" the widget doesn't have an allocated size). 3. On the first "expose" event, a background thread is started, loading the file (in "image_render_start_background_pixbuf_loading"). 4. On subsequent "expose" or "size_allocate", the atomic int "orig_pixbuf_loaded" is checked to see if the background loader thread completed loading the image. if not, the scaled image (from step 2) is displayed, regardless of the zoom mode. Image freeing details: If the user is very quick (and the image is very big), the viewer might be closed (by the user) before the background thread is finished. For better user-experience, "destroy" doesn't block until the thread is done. See "image_render_destroy" and "image_render_wait_for_loader_thread" for the messy details. Signals: ImageRender emits one signal (status changed), whenever the view is updated. 2.7. Viewer widget (viewer-widget.c) ------------------------------------- ViewerWidget is a composite widget, which multiplexes a TextRender widget and an ImageRender widget into one, easy to use GtkWidget. See "viewer-widget.h" for possible operations. Switching between TextRender and ImageRender is done in "gviewer_set_display_mode". ViewerWidget catches the "status-changed" from both renderers, and combines them into one signal ("status-line-changed"). 2.8. Viewer window (viewer-window.c) ------------------------------------- ViewerWindow is a full-blown top-level GtkWindow, displaying a Viewer Widget, with user-friendly menu items. All operations on ViewerWidget/TextRender/ImageRender are possible from the menus. Extra features (on top of the ViewerWidget's features) * saves/loads user settings (position, wrapping, etc). * displays EXIF/IPTC information in a split screen in image display mode. One simple function "gviewer_window_file_view" can be used to create the window and load the file (including display mode autodetection). The function returns a "GtkWidget" (which is actually a GtkWindow). You need to "gtk_widget_show" the widget. You can also the window's icon. See "do_view_file" in "gnome-cmd-file.c" for an example. 3. Module Testers ----------------- Inside the "gviewer_test" sub-directory you'll find module testers, one for each module (as specified in section 2, above). The learn how to use each module, check the appropriate tester. All module test programs, when run without command line parameters, bring usage instructions. 3.1. test-fileops ----------------- Uses the "fileops" module to load and display the file. Exactly like "cat". 3.2. test-inputmodes -------------------- Uses the "inputmodes" module (on top of "fileops") to load the file, and translate it from the requested charset to UTF-8. Output is sent to stdout ALWAYS in UTF-8 (because the whole viewer library uses UTF-8 internally). This is very similar to using "iconv" with "--to-code" set to UTF-8. 3.3. test-datapresentation --------------------------- Uses "datapresentation" module to display the input file in various formats. Output format can be text (with or without wrapping), binary or hex. Input mode charset translation can also be specified. Output is sent to stdout. 3.4. test-textrender -------------------- Create a primitive GtkWindow and puts a TextRender widget in it. There is almost no user interface (menus and such), so you must set the options (display mode, charset encoding, wrapping etc) from the command line. 3.5. test-imagerender --------------------- Create a primitive GtkWindow and puts an ImageRender widget in it. There is almost no user interface (menus and alike), so you must set the options (scaling/best-fit) from the command line. 3.6. test-viewerwidget ---------------------- Create a primitive GtkWindow and puts a Viewer widget in it. There is almost no user interface (menus and alike), so you must set the options (display mode, wrapping, scaling, etc.) from the command line. ViewerWidget combines TextRender and ImageRender widgets, so you can specify a display mode (Text/Binary/Hex/Image) or use auto detection. 3.7. text-viewerwindow ---------------------- This is complete, stand-alone viewer window, with menus and everything. Specify files to view on command line. 4. Using the internal viewer in your project --------------------------------------------- 4.1. External Viewer Window ---------------------------- To include an external Viewer window in your project (meaning a new top level window will be displayed with the desired file), simply link with the libgviewer library, add "#include " to your file, and call "gviewer_window_file_view()" (don't forget "gtk_widget_show()"). See "gnome-cmd-file.c" for an example with icon changing. 4.2. Embedding the Viewer Widget --------------------------------- To embed a ViewerWidget inside your own window/widget, see the "test-viewerwidget" example code. The ViewerWidget doesn't include any user interface (menus and such), so you must add them yourself. See the source file "viewer-window.c" for a reference implementation of user interface relating to the viewer widget. 4.3. Using a single module --------------------------- The best place to start is to look in the relevant module tester.