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Commit 3982672d authored by Adam Buchbinder's avatar Adam Buchbinder Committed by Ritesh Khadgaray
Browse files

Bug 599781 - DCC transfers always time out by default.

On a fresh install of xchat-gnome (no ~/.xchat2 directory), requesting a file
via XDCC fails. This is because xchat-gnome sets the preference dcc_auto_send
to 2 by default; when the setting is set manually, it's set to 1.
("dcc_auto_send" is a misnomer; it should be called "dcc_auto_receive".)
However, when autoreceive is disabled, it's set to 0, not 2. To sum up:

dcc_auto_send = 0 -> ("No") File is added to the receive window in "waiting"
state. (Can hit a button to start it.)
dcc_auto_send = 1 -> ("Yes") File is added to the receive window in "active"
state, starts downloading.
dcc_auto_send = 2 -> ("Browse for save folder every time") File is added to the
receive window in "waiting" state, save-as dialog pops up.
parent 53a06edf
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