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  • crvi's avatar
    podcast: Add itunes genre ( <itunes:category> ) support for podcast rss feeds · fb6eaaee
    crvi authored
    Refer: for full list
    of genres supported by <itunes:category> tag.
    Considering "MG = Main Genre" and "SG = Sub Genre", iTunes genre can
    be of the following 2 basic forms:
    1. MG ( E.g. Business )
    2. MG/SG ( E.g. Science/Astronomy )
    The first such genre value is assigned to TOTEM_PL_PARSER_FIELD_GENRE
    metadata field
    Combinations of the above 2 forms are valid too:
    1. MG,MG/SG etc ( E.g. Music,Leisure/Hobbies )
    2. MG1/SG1,MG2/SG2 etc ( E.g. Business/Investing,Education/Self Improvement )
    The full genre value is assigned to TOTEM_PL_PARSER_FIELD_GENRES
    metadata field