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  • Sanford Armstrong's avatar
    Mono bindings for Immendio's ige-mac-integration library. · d3ae61dd
    Sanford Armstrong authored
    * macbin/: Mono bindings for Immendio's ige-mac-integration library.
    * osx/: Support for building an app bundle for OS X.
    * Tomboy/Tomboy.addin.mac.xml:
    * Use a modified add-in manifest file for Mac.
    * Tomboy.mac.sln:
    * Tomboy.mac.csproj:
    * Tomboy/Addins/*/*.mac.csproj: Fixes to Mac-specific MD projects.
    * Tomboy/WindowsApplication.cs: Mark everything virtual.
    * Tomboy/MacApplication.cs: Subclass WindowsApplication, add
      Mac menu bar and dock integration.
    * Tomboy/MacFactory.cs: Use MacApplication.
    * Tomboy/Tray.cs: Expose ITomboyTray. #if MAC, hide Tray icon. Hacky.
    * Tomboy/Notebooks/NotebookApplicationAddin.cs: #if MAC hacks to work
      around issues with Mac menu bar integration.
     Tomboy/Tomboy.cs: Fix AboutDialog to properly show Tomboy website as
      clickable URL. #if !MAC code that shows Search if Tray doesn't appear.
    * Tomboy/RecentChanges.cs: #if !MAC code to keep menu out of Search
      window, and to prevent quitting Tomboy when Search window closes just
      because Tray icon isn't Visible.
    * Tomboy/NoteBuffer.cs: #if !MAC code to prevent use of \u2218 as
      a bullet symbol, as it doesn't appear to be available by default
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2229