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  • Martin Pitt's avatar
    Fix warnings on None values in added tree/list store rows · 8d85d663
    Martin Pitt authored
    Commit bf8c9583 changed the List/TreeStore overrides to use
    insert_with_valuesv(), but supplied all columns instead of just those which are
    not None. With this, None values cause warnings like
    ( Gtk-WARNING **: /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.3.20/./gtk/gtkliststore.c:851: Unable to convert from (null) to gboolean
    Update the tests to make warnings fatal, to catch this better.
    Change _convert_row() to skip the None entries and return the list of not-None
    columns, and use the latter instead of a simple range(n_columns). This matches
    the behaviour before bf8c9583, where columns with None values were skipped
    as well.