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Commit 19a97d1d authored by Murray Cumming's avatar Murray Cumming
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Gio::DBus: Use VariantContainerBase for tuple Variants.

* gio/src/dbusconnection.[hg|ccg]:
* gio/src/dbusproxy.ccg.[hg|ccg]: call_sync(), call(), call_finish():
Use VariantContainerBase, instead of VariantBase, for GVariants that are
documented as being tuples. Because the type is known we can also use
it as a simple return type instead of an output parameter.
* tools/m4/convert_gio.m4: Added a necessary conversion.
* examples/dbus/
* examples/dbus/ Adapted. These already correctly assumed that
the type should be VariantContainerBase.
parent 98f6dce0
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