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Commit 6d4ade4c authored by David Zeuthen's avatar David Zeuthen
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Bug 623143 – Never require non-closed connections

There's a couple of places in GDBus where it's a programming error
(e.g. we'll assert or spew via e.g. g_warning()) to use the API on a
closed connection.  This approach can never work since a
GDBusConnection can be closed at any point in time outside of
programmer control.

Just change the code to return a run-time error (e.g. return
G_IO_ERROR_CLOSED when sending messages, invoking methods) or silently
accept the request (e.g.  exporting objects, registering for signals)
without doing anything.

Note that a GDBusConnection object is always useless after being
closed - e.g.  there's no way to "reopen" a connection - the user will
have to create a new object and use that instead.

Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Zeuthen <>
parent ab6b6c68
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