/* This file is an image processing operation for GEGL * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with GEGL; if not, see . * * Copyright 2013 Massimo Valentini */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef GEGL_PROPERTIES enum_start (gegl_gaussian_blur_filter2) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_FILTER2_AUTO, "auto", N_("Auto")) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_FILTER2_FIR, "fir", N_("FIR")) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_FILTER2_IIR, "iir", N_("IIR")) enum_end (GeglGaussianBlurFilter2) enum_start (gegl_gaussian_blur_policy) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_ABYSS_NONE, "none", N_("None")) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_ABYSS_CLAMP, "clamp", N_("Clamp")) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_ABYSS_BLACK, "black", N_("Black")) enum_value (GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_ABYSS_WHITE, "white", N_("White")) enum_end (GeglGaussianBlurPolicy) property_double (std_dev_x, _("Size X"), 1.5) description (_("Standard deviation for the horizontal axis")) value_range (0.0, 1500.0) ui_range (0.24, 100.0) ui_gamma (3.0) ui_meta ("unit", "pixel-distance") ui_meta ("axis", "x") property_double (std_dev_y, _("Size Y"), 1.5) description (_("Standard deviation (spatial scale factor)")) value_range (0.0, 1500.0) ui_range (0.24, 100.0) ui_gamma (3.0) ui_meta ("unit", "pixel-distance") ui_meta ("axis", "y") property_enum (filter, _("Filter"), GeglGaussianBlurFilter2, gegl_gaussian_blur_filter2, GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_FILTER2_AUTO) description (_("How the gaussian kernel is discretized")) property_enum (abyss_policy, _("Abyss policy"), GeglGaussianBlurPolicy, gegl_gaussian_blur_policy, GEGL_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_ABYSS_CLAMP) description (_("How image edges are handled")) property_boolean (clip_extent, _("Clip to the input extent"), TRUE) description (_("Should the output extent be clipped to the input extent")) #else #define GEGL_OP_META #define GEGL_OP_NAME gaussian_blur #define GEGL_OP_C_SOURCE gaussian-blur.c #include "gegl-op.h" static void attach (GeglOperation *operation) { GeglNode *gegl = operation->node; GeglNode *output = gegl_node_get_output_proxy (gegl, "output"); GeglNode *vblur = gegl_node_new_child (gegl, "operation", "gegl:gblur-1d", "orientation", 1, NULL); GeglNode *hblur = gegl_node_new_child (gegl, "operation", "gegl:gblur-1d", "orientation", 0, NULL); GeglNode *input = gegl_node_get_input_proxy (gegl, "input"); gegl_node_link_many (input, hblur, vblur, output, NULL); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "std-dev-x", hblur, "std-dev"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "abyss-policy", hblur, "abyss-policy"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "filter", hblur, "filter"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "clip-extent", hblur, "clip-extent"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "std-dev-y", vblur, "std-dev"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "abyss-policy", vblur, "abyss-policy"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "filter", vblur, "filter"); gegl_operation_meta_redirect (operation, "clip-extent", vblur, "clip-extent"); } static void gegl_op_class_init (GeglOpClass *klass) { GeglOperationClass *operation_class; operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass); operation_class->attach = attach; operation_class->threaded = FALSE; gegl_operation_class_set_keys (operation_class, "name", "gegl:gaussian-blur", "title", _("Gaussian Blur"), "categories", "blur", "reference-hash", "c33a8c5df033c403fceb47735cde22e3", "reference-hashB", "116d752d36d93bc06f71b0f11c8c73b0", "description", _("Performs an averaging of neighboring pixels with the " "normal distribution as weighting"), NULL); } #endif