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  • Duncan McIntosh's avatar
    objects: add a flag for 'variants' to fix intdata problem · 0fd7bd3a
    Duncan McIntosh authored and Zander Brown's avatar Zander Brown committed
    In a sheet, objects can have an intdata attribute, which is usually used
    in I*/GRAFCET/UML to pick a different variation of the object. It does
    this by setting user_data, but some objects --- like AADL's --- use
    this property for a vtable. It's possible to get Dia to crash with a
    sheet something like the following:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
        <sheet xmlns="">
          <name>Proof of Concept</name>
            <object name="AADL - Process" intdata="2">
              <description>Dereference 0x2</description>
    To fix this, only set user_data if the object type has
    DIA_OBJECT_HAS_VARIANTS set; only objects that actually want it will
    have it set.
    "Misc - Measure" never used it anyways, so just remove it from the