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  1. Jan 29, 2013
  2. Jan 28, 2013
  3. Jan 25, 2013
    • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
      Remove cogl_frame_info_get_complete() · 47bf79c3
      Owen W. Taylor authored
      An application gets a callback when a frame info is complete, so there
      may not be a need for a flag as well.
    • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
      Replace frame history with a queue · 41de9862
      Owen W. Taylor authored
      An arbitrary-length frame history seems hard to size, and can be implemented
      at the application level, so ditch it for a queue of frame info objects
      that are not yet complete.
    • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
      Switch presentation time to nanoseconds · 36bbcb08
      Owen W. Taylor authored
      In the future, we may want to track frame timings with very high precision
      for profiling purposes, so to be consistent with that, use nanoseconds,
      not microseconds. 63-bits in nanoseconds is 270+ years, so hopefully
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,) will fit.
    • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
      Don't use g_get_monotonic_time() · 67bc4064
      Owen W. Taylor authored
      Avoid a hard dependency on GLib and on however GLib is implementing
      g_get_monotonic_time() by directly referencing clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
      The translation of timestamp values for unidentified types of UST is
      also removed, since it's going to have a big error, and
      glXGetSyncValues() doesn't return the *current* UST anyways - it returns
      the UST for the last frame.
    • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
      Remove cogl_frame_info_get_frame_time() · 38ac56be
      Owen W. Taylor authored
      The frame_time isn't closely associated with an onscreen - an update
      could involve multiple stages (in a stage-per-output scenario, perhaps.)
      If an application or toolkit needs to know the frame time for a FrameInfo
      it will have to do that association itself.
    • Owen W. Taylor's avatar
      Add cogl_frame_info_get_output() · 5cc26c82
      Owen W. Taylor authored
      If available from the windowing system, it could potentially be useful
      to know something other than the refresh rate of the output that the
      monitor is currently presenting on. (Note however, an onscreen may span
      multiple outputs. The windowing system has to pick *one* for timing,
      but most other attibutes of the window will apply to the parts of the
      onscreen on that output.)
    • Robert Bragg's avatar
      onscreen: Provide more general CoglFrameCallback api · 8a1a1f56
      Robert Bragg authored
      This reworks the cogl_onscreen_add_swap_complete_callback api to instead
      be named cogl_onscreen_add_frame_callback and to take a callback that
      can accept other events besides just swap completion events. This means
      we can add more events in the future that signal the progression of a
      frame without needing lots of new callback api for each event.
      TODO: squash this back into owen's patch
    • Robert Bragg's avatar
      renderer: expose CoglOutputs · c7bda394
      Robert Bragg authored
      This adds a cogl_renderer_foreach_output() function that can be used to
      iterate the display outputs for a particular renderer.
      This also updates cogl-info to use this new api so it can dump out all
      the output information.
    • Robert Bragg's avatar
      frame-info: s/_refresh_interval/_refresh_rate/ · 0dd495d2
      Robert Bragg authored
      For consistency this reworks the cogl_frame_info_get_refresh_interval
      api to instead be cogl_frame_info_get_refresh_rate() and return a
      frequency in Hertz instead of an interval in milliseconds. This is
      consistent with cogl_output_get_refresh_rate().
    • Robert Bragg's avatar
      rename SwapInfo to FrameInfo · 30ad78f9
      Robert Bragg authored
      As discussed on the mailing list we can be slightly more consistent with gtk
      by using "frame" instead of "swap" here. Also we discussed the potential
      for being able to query information for a frame that's still in progress
      and in that case "swap" wouldn't make much sense.
      TODO: squash this back into owen's patch
  4. Jan 23, 2013
  5. Jan 22, 2013