REM This script will checkout Banshee from git (and a few submodules that are needed). REM It will result in a banshee/ directory under where it's launched from. REM See banshee\build\windows\README.txt for more information REM (this file is tracked in version control at: ) @echo off set GIT_PATH="git" call %GIT_PATH% clone git:// if not exist banshee goto failure cd banshee call %GIT_PATH% submodule update --init call %GIT_PATH% clone bin if not exist bin goto failure echo "Checkout script finished. Banshee is now checked out into the banshee folder. Build it with build\windows\build-banshee.bat or your favorite IDE using Banshee.sln" pause goto :eof :failure echo "There was a problem during the checkout. Please see the message above."